Security Policy
Tracking & Compliance

Many organizations don’t have an effective way to disseminate their cybersecurity policies. Security policies often are distributed by email, hard copy, or even posted on the corporate network. Without the ability to track and report on cybersecurity policies, you don't know which employees have accessed security policies, let alone ensure security policy compliance. Wouldn’t it be great to have a service that makes it easy for you to communicate, disseminate and track policies, and then report on information security policy compliance?
We integrate security policy tracking and compliance as part of our security awareness training platform.

Easily Deploy Security Policies
The Security Mentor Security Policy Tracking & Compliance service enables organizations to easily and quickly upload their information security policies to our cloud-based Security Awareness Training Platform, which then tracks each cybersecurity policy and reports on compliance with your security policy compliance. This service is an optional component in our training platform.
Security Mentor is one of the first and few security awareness providers to offer this capability and have it seamlessly integrated with our Security Awareness Training, enabling you to manage your employee security compliance in one location.
Automated Security Policy Dissemination & Integration
Our service will automatically notify your employees by email when a new cybersecurity policy is released. If an employee doesn’t read or attest to follow your cybersecurity policy by the due-date, then a late reminder is also automatically sent.
A powerful feature of our service is that you can coordinate release of your information security policies with your security awareness training. Each of our security awareness training courses focuses on a single topic, so you can time the release of the relevant cybersecurity policy with the applicable cybersecurity awareness lesson. By coordinating security awareness training with information security policies, you maximize the impact each has.

Tracking Security Policy Compliance
Security policy compliance is a critical part of employee cybersecurity and thus, a security awareness program. How can you monitor whether employees read and agree to follow your policies? With the Security Policy Tracking & Compliance service from Security Mentor, information security policies are available for employees to view in their training account 24x7. Employees simply select a policy through our intuitive interface, read the policy, and then attest to comply with it.
For each employee, our service tracks three states for cybersecurity policy compliance: unopened, opened, and attested. After a cybersecurity policy is released, and the employee has read and attested to follow the policy, the employee can view the policy online again at any time, or download and print it for later reference.
Security Policy Reporting & Metrics
Administrators can view cybersecurity policy compliance organization-wide or drill down to an individual employee’s status using our powerful dashboard. Compliance reports can be viewed online or downloaded for proof of compliance.